Theresia Uhrlau

Analyze social interactions within groups

The goal of this work was to measure and visualize body language within group discussions and thus make it visually comprehensible. In cooperation with the Science Center Berlin for Social Research (WZB), a software program was developed for social scientists to include body language in their analysis of group discussions.

Creating an analysis tool for the researchers

An interface was developed which allows sociologists to include body language in their analysis in addition to transcripts, marked topics, audio and video files. Nevertheless, all media are presented together and never considered without their textual context.

Within the interface it is possible to look at the participants alone or in a group, you can turn the conversation bodies to get new insights. One can fast-forward, rewind and relive the conversation over and over again.

With the software you are able to look at the conversation bodies and examine the group dynamics. Were there participants who suppressed the opinions of others? Who was the discussion leader? Who was or was not non-verbally agreed to?

The software is aimed at sociologists who use focus group discussions as an tool of their research. The software could be used anywhere where body language has to be an important verifiable interpersonal factor.

Master Thesis. Project Partner Christina Tran (UDK) & Swen Hutter(WZB). Visual Systems, UDK Berlin. 2020

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